Internet Security
Online security of private communications is an issue for anyone dealing with confidential information. Most experts agree that internet email is not secure and will not be secure for the foreseeable future. See, for example: Here is Why Your Email is Insecure and Likely to Stay That Way.
Does this mean that clients must rely on face-to-face meetings and telephone calls with their attorneys? Unfortunately, unless your attorney is using modern technology to secure online communications, the answer is usually yes.
At the Fannon Law Firm, we do use modern technology to provide bank grade or better security feature for all our online communications with clients. After becoming a client at the Fannon Law Firm, we set you up with access to our online system that has several high level security features. This allows clients to logon to our system and engage in confidential communications with confidence that your information will not be compromised.
The online platform allows clients to see all documents in your case, check for upcoming court dates, review billing and invoices, and make comments on any document in your case. And, of course, all this is available to you 24/7.
For example, all information contained in a client file is stored on an Amazon EC2 cloud server. Amazon facilities are nondescript locations protected by military grade perimeters. Physical access is strictly controlled by two factor authentication and 24-hour security escorts.
When data is transmitted over the internet between our clients and our platform, or when we upload documents to our cloud platform, all data is encrypted using 128-bit SSL encryption . Most experts agree that a “brute force” attack (basically trying each of the possible keys until you find the one that decrypts the data) would take about one billion years to find the correct key.
Once data has been uploaded to our cloud platform, all data is encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption. This is the same encryption used by the U.S. government for top secret military information and is even more difficult to crack than 128-bit SSL encryption. This protects your data in the highly unlikely case that someone did manage to steal a physical drive from our platform facility—all they would get is a bunch of jumbled, useless data.
Finally, all physical documents in your case will be scanned and uploaded to our cloud platform. After scanning, the documents will be destroyed using a P-5 commercial shredder. Shredder levels run from P-1 at the low end, up to P-6 at the top end. For more information about shredder levels, see Shredding 101 . Our P-5 shredder cuts documents into pieces no bigger than 2mm x 10 mm. This is the size used to destroy top secret documents by government agencies.
Actual results from our P-5 shredder.
If you are looking for an experienced, reliable criminal defense attorney who will provide you with the best defense available, and ensuring your confidential information remains confidential, schedule an appointment on this web site or call to set up a time to meet and discuss your case.
The post How Secure is My Client Information? appeared first on Ryan Birss, Attorney at Law.
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